Mesh is the various aspects upon which a mesh can be classified. Mesh generation requires expertise in the areas of meshing algorithms, geometric design, computational geometry, computational physics, numerical analysis, scientific visualization, and software engineering to create a mesh tool.
A mesh (also known as meshing) is a network that constitutes of cells and points.
Mesh generation is the practice of converting the given set of points into a consistent polygonal model that generates vertices, edges and faces that only meet at shared edges. It can have almost any shape in any size.
A mesh is a collection of vertices, edges and faces that defines the shape of a polyhedral object in 3D graphics and solid modeling. Objects created with meshes must have the following elements:
Over the years, mesh generation technology has evolved shoulder to shoulder with increasing hardware capability. Even with fully automatic mesh generators, there are many cases where the solution time is less than the meshing time. Meshing can be used for a wide array of applications; however, the principal application of interest is the finite element method. Surface domains are divided into triangular or quadrilateral elements, while volume domain is divided mainly into tetrahedral or hexahedral elements. A meshing algorithm can ideally define the shape and distribution of the elements.
A vital step of the finite element method for numerical computation is mesh generation algorithms. A given domain is to be partitioned into simpler ‘elements.’ There should be a few elements, but some domain portions may need small elements to make the computation more accurate. All elements should be ‘well-shaped.’ Let us walk through different meshing algorithms based on two common domains: quadrilateral/hexahedral mesh and triangle/tetrahedral mesh.
Grid-Based Method
The grid-based method involves the following steps:
Medial Axis Method
The medial axis method involves an initial decomposition of the volumes. The technique involves a few steps as given below:
Plastering method
Plastering is the process in which elements are placed, starting with the boundaries and advancing towards the center of the volume. The steps of this method are as follows:
Whisker Weaving Method
Whisker weaving is based on the spatial twist continuum (STC) concept. The STC is the dual of the hexahedral mesh, represented by an arrangement of intersecting surfaces that bisects hexahedral elements in each direction. The whisker weaving algorithm can be explained in the following steps:
Paving Method
The paving method has the following steps to generate a quadrilateral mesh:
Mapping Mesh Method
The Mapped method for quad mesh generation involves the following steps:
Algorithm methods for Triangular and Tetrahedral Mesh
Quadtree Mesh Method
The quadtree mesh method recursively subdivided a square containing the geometric model until the desired resolution is reached. The steps for two-dimensional quadtree decomposition of a model are as follows:
Delaunay Triangulation Method
A Delaunay triangulation for a set P of discrete points in the plane is a triangulation DT such that no points in P are inside the circum-circle of any triangles in DT. The steps of construction Delaunay triangulation are as follows:
Delaunay Triangulation maximizes the minimum angle of all the triangle angles and tends to avoid skinny triangles.
Advancing Front Method
Another famous family of triangular and tetrahedral mesh generation algorithms is the advancing front or moving front method. The mesh generation process is explained in the following steps:
Spatial Decomposition Method
The steps for the spatial decomposition method are as follows:
Sphere Packing Method
The sphere packing method follows the given steps:
Mesh Tools library offers a comprehensive set of operation for meshes for all your needs. Developed in C++, this library can be easily integrated in to your product. To learn more,