Prescient Technologies

Mesh Tools

Mesh Tools

Mesh Tools library offers a comprehensive set of operation for meshes for all your needs. This library developed in C++ can handle large meshes and has a small memory foot print. It can be easily integrated in to your product.
Mesh Tools Library is developed by Prescient Technologies which is certified by ISO:9001, ISO:27001 and CMMI Level 3.

Mesh Tools Salient Features

Benefits of Mesh Tools

Easy to Integrate

Mesh Mesh Tools Features

Mesh Refinement

Mesh Decimation

Mesh Decimation

Mesh Smoothening

Hole Filling

Orientation Correction

Sliver Face Removal

Technical Features


Frequently Asked Questions

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What is Mesh Tools Library and what does it do?

Mesh tools is a comprehensive Mesh Processing Library that covers operations like Refinement, Decimation, Smoothening, Hole Filling, Orientation Correction, Sliver face/edge removal etc.

What are the domains in which Mesh Tools Library could be used.

Mesh Tools library is a domain neutral library. This is currently used by our customers in variety of domains like Automotive, Healthcare, CAM simulation, Geology, 3D Printing.

How stable and accurate Mesh Tools Library?

Mesh Tools library produces very accurate results and is very stable with robust exception handling mechanism built into it. In addition our development team is always working on enhancing the functionality and adding more features.

How do I know if Mesh Tools Library is good for my application?

You could send a mail to and we will send you the Mesh Tools Library SDK along with a sample program to help you integrate Mesh Tools Library into your application. You could use our evaluation license for up to 90 days. Alternately, we would be happy to work on your data and generate the results for you. (at no cost or obligation to you).

What is the price and what are the licensing models?

Please send a mail to and we will get in touch with you with all the details. For Mesh Boolean Library we offer Perpetual licensing as well as Annual Subscription model.

How do I get support?

We offer an email and phone based support for our customers. Support is just a mail/call away.

Could you help me with integrating Mesh Boolean Library into my application?

We would be very glad to take the responsibility of integrating Mesh Boolean Library into your application. However this will be at a nominal extra charge.

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      Prescient Technologies does not share or disclose your information to third parties. We value your privacy.